Data Security & UK GDPR

Data Protection training resources for your staff

  • The risk to your organisation – the Information Commissioner reports that mistakes and oversights by staff continue to be a major cause of data breaches.
  • Raising staff awareness is your best defence – the Data Security range includes online training and reference booklets designed to make your staff aware of the steps they must take to keep your firm’s data safe.

How do you protect your firm?

Treat your data as a valuable asset

Your organisation must have policies and procedures to protect and secure personal information, and your staff must understand the importance of adherence to these as they handle personal data in any format.

Make your employees aware of the risks

If a data breach occurs, the inevitable question will be: “What were you doing to guard against it?” The Data Security range enables you to demonstrate meeting ongoing obligations to raise staff awareness and understanding of key principles.

Online Data Security Training

A UK GDPR compliant e-learning programme for staff – with automatic training records, competence testing, and monitoring tools for managers; the Training on Record online course offers a convenient and cost-effective way to reinforce staff awareness and reduce the risks to your firm.

Product image showing data security online training screen

Data Protection Booklets

Digital Data Protection Guidance for all employees – a concise guide to UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act, empowering your staff to become your first line of defence against any data breach or attack, with a checklist to sign and date confirming they understand their continuing obligations. Available in packs of 20.

Product image showing data protection booklets

Data Protection laws at a glance

What is 'personal data'

Any information you hold about a living person – even just their name and address – counts as ‘personal data’.

What are the risks?

A data breach can lead to disruptive enforcement action, damaging loss of reputation, and even prosecution.

What must you do?

Have procedures in place to comply with Data Protection laws, and provide appropriate training to staff.

+-Read more about your training obligations under UK Data Protection lawRead less